
If you are interested in carriage driving then you should consider becoming a member of the Australian Carriage Driving Society.  

In order to become a member you must be a member of an ACDS club.  

There are clubs throughout Australia and details may be found by clicking on the Clubs tab on the menu.  You may apply to join any ACDS club within Australia.

Membership benefits include a comprehensive Insurance Cover.   More Details.

Membership of the ACDS also includes four issues of the Australian Carriage Driving journal which showcases the sport of carriage driving throughout Australia.

Eligibility to compete at ACDS events.

Help and information from many ACDS personnel.

Levels of Membership

Family - Available to persons being either one of the following:



Members of the Family/Single/Junior membership receive the ACDS Journal  which is published four times a year.

Adult Members in the aforementioned categories have voting rights and are eligible to hold Office at Club, Branch and Federal levels.



Social (Club)



Updated September 12th, 2017