May is Mini-Enduro Month in Victoria with the only two scheduled events of this type both happening, first up Ruffy on 4/5/6th May in the beautiful Strathbogie Ranges. Ruffy is a fixture on the ACDS VIC Branch calendar after many years of success. Next up we have the relatively new Southern Cross Scramble, this time in the Strezlecki Ranges of South Gippsland on the 24/25/26th May.
Mini-enduros are challenging, but not as challenging as you might think with courses for all size of equine, and can be entered for 1, 2 or all 3 days. Feel free to contact drive organisers David or Cath if you have any questions. Contact details and more information is available on the Calendar.
Mini Enduro Series – This innovation started on the weekend of the 2/3/4th March in Ardlethan and will finish the weekend of 8/9/10th June in Temora thanks to some very diligent and enthusiastic work from the Temora Carriage Club. In March five Victorians travelled to Ardlethan to show the NSW people how it’s done and came away with First in the horse division, first in the large pony division and equal first in the small pony division. Perhaps the tables will be turned when the NSW contingent travel to Victoria for the next set of Enduros! Is there room for a new state of origin competition in Enduro?? I think there is!